We are Chase and Ashley Southard, church planting missionaries to South Africa.
Around the age of thirteen, I moved to South Africa with my father, Mark Coffey. During my time in South Africa, I started reading the Bible out of desire and not a mandate. The Lord began speaking to me through His Word. I started with Matthew, and once I got to the end of Mark, Jesus presented the great commission, “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” While living with and observing multitudes of South African people who put their trust in ancestors and false hopes, God assured me through His scripture that I needed to preach the true gospel to them. I will be fulfilling this call in the country of South Africa as a second generation church planting missionary. We are grateful to be used by God for this reasonable service!
- Serving on the field under veteran missionary Mark Coffey – Five Years
- Actively teaching, preaching and discipling (South Africa and USA)
Feb, 2021 - Aug, 2021
- Language Learning & Cultural Adaptation (Peru, South America)
- Children’s Church Pastor at New Life BC
June 2019 - August 2020
- Outreach Director at Vision Baptist Church
2021 - 2019
- Began and completed classes at the Our Generation Training Center
- Missionary Intern – 6 months Arequipa Peru.
- Serving on the field under veteran missionary Mark Coffey – Five Years
- Actively teaching, preaching and discipling (South Africa and USA)
Feb, 2021 - Aug, 2021
- Language Learning & Cultural Adaptation (Peru, South America)
- Children’s Church Pastor at New Life BC
June 2019 - August 2020
- Outreach Director at Vision Baptist Church
2019 - 2021
- Began and completed classes at the Our Generation Training Center
- Missionary Intern – 6 months Arequipa Peru.
Ministry Strategy
We truly believe that we can reach the world in our generation through Church-Planting and man-training. Our strategy to reach the lost is to start with a local Church. As we try to grow the Church in number and its relationship to the Lord, we desire to find a man. We wish to find a man who is willing to take the step to give his life to the Lord and to ministry. When the Lord gives us this man, our goal is to train him and many more like him to start more churches. Together, we will plant more churches, evangelize the lost, disciples more believers, and train more men.
Evangelizing the Lost
“God has demonstrated His manifold wisdom as He has saved, prepared, and is now sending the Southards to South Africa (Ephesians 3:10). We are confident that God will work in and through their lives on the mission field. He has begun a work in them and will continue the job as they travel to churches preaching the goodness of God and the need for the Gospel in Africa. Without hesitation, we recommend this wonderful couple to you and your church’s missions program.”
Trent Cornwell
Pastor of Vision Baptist Church

As the director of the Our Generation Training Center, I have seen Chase show a desire to understand and live out God’s word. As a student, Chase brought people to church. He was seeking to learn the scriptures and I believe that he would be an asset to you and your church. I pray that the Lord guides you as you make the decision in where to invest your missions funds. If you have any questions please feel free to call me at any time (770-825-3478). I ask that you would prayerfully consider Chase and Ashley Southard to be apart of your missions program. God bless you.
Robert Canfield
Director of the Our Generation Training Center
Jeffrey Bush
Director of Vision Baptist Missions

Get In Touch

Sending Church
Vision Baptist Church
Mission Board
Vission Baptist Missions
Support Address
P.O. Box 442, Alpharetta Ga 30009