Chase’s Testimony
I grew up in a secular home where God was not the main focus. I lived with a single, alcoholic mother and my older brother, Tyler. One day, my aunt invited me to attend a Vacation Bible School. After a lesson on faith, my teacher told everyone to bow their heads. She said, “If there are any kids in here today who have not had faith in Jesus, raise your hand.” I looked up and asked, “Who is Jesus?” One of the male helpers came to me and escorted me outside. He took me through the book of Romans and showed me I was a sinner (Romans 3:23). He showed that because of my sin, I was on my way to hell. (Romans 6:23) And after thinking I had no hope, he said the word “BUT.” He said, “But God loves you.” He loved you enough to send his son Jesus to die on the cross for your sins (Romans 5:8). He told me about how Jesus died on the cross for my sins, was buried for three days, and then rose again, defeating death. He said that if I wanted a relationship with God and eternal life, I needed to call upon the Lord’s name and ask him to save me from my sins (John 3:16). That night, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior.
Ashley’s Testimony
Though I was raised in a very Christian culture and heard the gospel on several occasions, I was not saved until my teen years. At a youth conference, I was aware of my sin and my deep need for Christ to be my Savior. I repented and called upon the name of the Lord for salvation the first evening of the conference. The Lord has blessed me and kept me since that blessed day of my eternal salvation!

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